Isabelle Scholten- President
Isabelle Scholten is a part-time student currently enrolled in a Digital Marketing Certificate program that will lead her to become an Online Marketing Certified Associate (OMCATM). Her educational background includes a Business Undergraduate Degree from McGill University, a Certificate in Communications and a Certificate in Graphic Design from Concordia University, and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of New Brunswick. After her undergraduate degree, Isabelle worked as a Marketing Specialist and a Project Manager for direct mail campaigns. When she moved to Fredericton, Isabelle got involved in Marketing for Scholten’s Convenience Stores and continued her studies. For the past 6 years, Isabelle has been a strong advocate for a New Regional Aquatic Centre. She steered a pool committee to extend the life of the Sir Max Aitken pool and keep it open until a new aquatic centre is built. For the past 3 years, Isabelle has been Secretary of the Fredericton Regional Aquatic Centre Inc., a group that was formed to gain the support of the regions surrounding Fredericton. Her role has become less extensive since the Regional Services Commission has taken ownership of the project. Isabelle also served on the Board of Fredericton Aquanauts Swim Team (FAST) as Treasurer for three years. On a more personal note, Isabelle is a stay-at-home mother of 4 very active kids. She continuously gets involved in their activities as coach, team manager, fundraiser or simply as a cheerleader on the sidelines.

Anita Legere- Past President

Moira McLaughlin- Secretary

Alex Delong- Treasurer
Alex Delong is a native Frederictonian currently working for investment manager Vestcor. Alex graduated from the University of New Brunswick with first class honours in Finance and Economics. In his free time, Alex enjoys golfing, tennis and spending time with family and friends. He hopes to bring his financial skillset to Big Brothers Big Sisters to further the cause throughout the region.

Gillian Christie

Carol Salmon
I grew up in Fredericton, moved away and returned home in 2000. My background is in healthcare with experience as a dietitian, and manager of a team of Paediatric Rehab professionals.
I have enjoyed volunteer work with a number of organizations in the past. My interest in Big Brothers Big Sisters stems from my son having had a Big from the age of 6-11. The match was what I would call ‘perfect’, and my son beamed with joy when he spoke of his Big. Life circumstances led to a gradual loss of contact, but it was done in a positive way with the organization’s assistance and my participation.
I would like to give back to BBBS in whatever way I can. I’ve seen first hand the difference it can make.

Heather Theriault
I have been an educator for 30 years, the last 15 as a Vice Principal. I feel my experience in leadership will be beneficial to being on the board. I have lived in Ontario, Nunavut, the Yukon and New Brunswick. I am married to Marc and have two cats and two dogs.
I firmly believe children need positive connections in the community and the more positive people in their lives the better the outcome for their future.

Michiko Gartshore
Michiko Gartshore is an Indigenous lawyer at Stewart McKelvey. She was recently called to the Bar in 2023 and practices mainly in Labour and Employment and General Litigation.
Michiko has an undergraduate degree in Accounting and a JD Degree, both from UNB.
Michiko has previously volunteered with ProBono Canada, providing legal assistance to non-for-profit organizations. As well, she was the President of the Indigenous Law Student Association while attending law school at UNB.
While not working, Michiko enjoys spending time with her daughter, Loxley, and her husband, Kyle. Together they like to visit the ocean and take nature hikes.

Mike Gange
Mike Gange is a retired teacher and over the years has contributed to the community in many ways. Mike has been a long-time volunteer in the city spending much of his spare time contributing to multiple local sporting teams.
Mike is an award-winning teacher, receiving the AMTEC award for the best in media literacy in Canada, the NBTA Outstanding teacher of the year, and The Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence he has also won awards for his writing and his broadcasting.
Mike has a Masters degree in Journalism and Mass Communications; also, a Masters degree in Administration. He continues to work towards his PhD.

Steve Christie
Steve Christie has been employed with Horizon Health since 2003. He’s held numerous Mid to Senior Management roles in Addictions and Mental Health, Primary Health Care and Population Health. The last two years, Steve has been leading the Strategic Planning work in the Community Services portfolio and more recently conducting workplace assessments.
Steve has volunteered in the past with Youth Basketball and SportsNB. Steve is married with three kids, and his interests outside work include golf, curling, hiking and playing squash.
Steve plans on retiring at the end of June and after October his schedule will be very flexible to participate in the activities of our board, which will be a priority for him. Steve is excited to start a new chapter in his life and believes it is time to give back to the community and he would like to do that through BBBSFO.

Emma Wagner
Emma Wagner moved from Nova Scotia to New Brunswick to study at St. Thomas University in 2018. During her time at STU, she filled several roles with Big Brothers Big Sisters including running programs, advising on marketing plans and serving the community as a summer student liaison. She currently serves as support staff for Provincial Members of the Legislative Assembly. Her portfolios have included the Departments of Education and Early Childhood Development and Social Development as well as the Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation and Housing NB. In 2021, Emma became a big sister to a 13 year-old. Although their match closed in 2024, they still speak almost every day.

Geoff Durham
Geoff Durham was born and raised in Ontario. Geoff joined Big Brothers of Peel group mentoring in Ontario in 2018. When he moved to New Brunswick, he knew he had to continue with the BBBS program. Geoff was matched with an energetic young boy, and they have been together since Oct/Nov. of 2020.
When Geoff moved to Fredericton, he jumped at the opportunity to go back to school and pursue his dream of working/teaching in the education field. He now works for the Anglophone West School District as a supply teacher and supply EA. He is considering returning to school next September to get his teaching degree.
For fun Geoff enjoys playing and watching sport, cooking, baking, hiking, swimming, being outside, playing board games, and being K’s Big Brother.

Andrew Holland
Andrew Holland is a Public Affairs and Communications professional based in Marysville, New Brunswick. He currently works as the National Media Relations Director with Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), a charity he’s been with for 11 years. A regular spokesperson on radio and television across the country, Andrew also coordinates stories and interviews with media outlets and his NCC colleagues. Graduate of Loyalist College Broadcast Journalism program in Ontario.
Volunteer and community involvement: • 2020-to-present: Treasurer & Director, Nashwaak Watershed Association Inc. • 2017-2020: Board of Directors, Goose Lane Editions Ltd. • Fredericton Marathon, Fredericton Fall Classic, Ability N.B.,Marysville Y’s Club. • PA announcer for the Fredericton Royals Senior Baseball Team (8 seasons). • Emcee at local sports banquets and fundraisers Personal: Husband and father and animal lover. Andrew is a sports enthusiast, avid podcast listener and fan of Canadian music, especially RUSH.